Monday, March 12, 2012

Sheer and flared.

The bump is getting HUGE.
Like .Icantbreathe. kinda huge.
And these days, dressing up is all about trying not to look like a tent. Or a whale. Or a house.
Even though I feel like one.
Snagged this shirt on clearance from Old Navy.
Suuuper excited not to pay full price for it.
Perfectly sheer and demure.
And these flares, also from ON, totally mimick saran wrap for my babygotback.
 Completed the look with some red (of course!) BCBG pumps.
Don't you just love how pointy-toes are back??
So classic.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Life lately via Instagram.

Some pics of moi.
Outfits and armcandy.

Cali weather. Ranging from warm and sunny to cold and stormy.

Some good eats in the local area. Including garlic butter tilapia from Kitchen a la Ash. 
And white chocolate covered strawberries made by the hubbs. Ohhh yeaaah.

Takin it back old school for ya.
The cutest flower girl of the Eighties.
The hubbs showing off his skills on the dance floor.
Young love circa 2003.

And if you're on Instagram, let's partay and divulge our private lives together!
It's sooo much fun.
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